Publications Médicales

Les articles, présentations médicales, posters et Publications dans les journaux médicaux s’attachent à montrer l’efficacité du traitement RevitalVision tout en en fixant les limites et les contextes d’utilisation. Les différentes études menées prouvent que le traitement permet de gagner un minimum de 2/10ème d’acuité visuelle et 100% de la sensibilité au contraste permettant à tout individu concerné d’améliorer sa qualité de vie.

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Articles généraux sur le fonctionnement de Revitalvision


Pour les optométristes – orthoptistes et ophtalmologistes

Articles sur l’amblyopie

Date Publication Auteur
12-2022 Neural Vision Perceptual learning as an effective treatment for Amblyopia Vision development and rehabilitation-College of optometrists in Vision Development
10-2022 Improving Vision in a 56-year-old patient with refractive amblyopia Journal of Clinical Medecine
04-2022 Effects of Perceptual Learning on Deprivation Amblyopia in Children with Limbal Dermoid: A Randomized Controlled Trial NIH (National Library of Medecine)
10-2015 ‘‘Global’’ visual training and extent of transfer in amblyopic macaque monkeys Journal of Vision
12-2013 Efficacy of perceptual vision therapy in enhancing visual acuity and contrast sensitivity function in adult hypermetropic anisometropic amblyopia Clinical Ophthalmology
10-2009 Training system designed to enhance quality of vision –
Article traduit en français : Système d’entrainement permettant d’améliorer la qualité de la vision
Opthalmology Times
04-2004 Improving vision in adult amblyopia by perceptual learning PNAS
01-1997 Abnormal Long-range Spatial Interactions in Amblyopia VISION Res
06-1996 Neural plasticity in Adults with amblyopia PNAS
AAO -2011 AAO 2011: Two – Year Results of NeuroVision Treatment in Adult Patients with Unilateral Amblyopia Poster
ESCRS – 2011 ESCRS:Efficacy of neural vision therapy to enhance visual acuity and contrast sensitivity function in amblyopia Poster - Istanbul
AAO – 2010 AAO: NeuroVision treatment of unilateral amblyopia in patients older than 9 years Poster

Articles sur les défauts de réfraction : myopie légère, presbytie débutante post-chirurgie au LASIK et post chirurgie de la cataracte

Date Publication Auteur
04-2008 Efficacy of neural vision therapy to enhance contrast sensitivity funciton and visual acuity in low myopia J Cataract Refract Surg-ASCRS & ESCRS
05-2006 Donald Tan, MD, on NeuroVision™, a Non-optical Approach to Correcting the Effects of Refractive Error Refractive Eyecare
04-2006 NeuroVision Treatment for Low Myopia Following LASIK Regression Journal of Refractive Surgery
12-2007 Computer-based primary visual cortex training for treatment of low Myopia and early Presbyopia American Ophthalmological Society
07-2010 Vidéo pour ophtalmologistes Selling and Benefiting from the RevitalVision Technology in Your Surgical Practice Dr. Daniel S Durrie, M.D. and Dr. Jeffrey D. Horn, M.D. – Watch WMV Poster
10-2009 Vidéo pour ophtalmologistes Visual Cortex Training after Refractive Surgery : NeuroLASIK George O. Waring IV, MD – Listen to MP3 Poster
2009 Computer-Based Primary Visual Cortex Training Combined with LASIK for Treatment of Low Myopia Erin D. Stahl, MD, Daniel S. Durrie, MD – Download PDF Poster
2011 => IOLs ARVO: Evaluation of Computer Based Primary Visual Cortex Training After Aspheric Monofocal, Multifocal, and Accommodating IOL Implantation Poster
AAO 2008 => myopie AAO: A randomized controlled trail evaluating the efficacy of neurovision’s neural vision correction technology in enhancing unaided visual acuity in adults with low myopia Poster
IMC 2008 => myopie IMC: 2 Years follow-up results of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity enhancement in patients with low myopia using NeuroVision neural vision correction technology Poster
AAO 2008 => myopie + presbytie AAO: Efficacy of NeuroVision technology in enhancing unaided vision in early presbyopes and low myopes Poster
AAO 2007 => myopie AAO: A randomized controlled trail evaluating the efficacy of neural vision correction technology in enhancing unaided visual acuity in low myopes Poster
ARVO 2007 => myopie ARVO: Enhancement of undercorrected visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in myopic children using NeuroVision’s neural vision correction technology Poster
APAO 2006 => myopie + presbytie APAO: Improving VA and CSF in subjects with low degree of myopia and early presbyopa using neural vision correction technology Poster
AAO 2005 AAO: What is still lacking in refractive surgery is the role of neuroprocessing Poster
ASIA ARVO 2005 => myopie + presbytie + Post-LASIK ASIA ARVO: The alternative approach to visual blur: NeuroVision treatment for myopia, post-refractive surgery and presbyopia Poster
ARVO 2005 => Myopie ARVO: Improving CSF in subjects with low degree of myopia using neural vision correction technology Poster
ARVO 2004 => Myopie ARVO: Pilot study to evaluate the efficacy of neural vision correction technology for vision improvement in low myopia Poster

Articles sur la basse vision : DMLA, Nystagmus, Maladie de Stargardt


Articles sur les défauts de réfraction : myopie légère, presbytie débutante post-chirurgie au LASIK et post chirurgie de la cataracte

Date Publication Auteur
11-2011 Visual cortex training may enhance premium IOL results Healio Ophtalmology
05-2010 => Post-cataract Vision training improves cataract surgery outcomes Refractive Surgery News
10-2009 => Post-LASIK Vision Quest: After LASIK left her disillusioned, Ginny Graves looked to a revolutionary noninvasive treatment to finally find focus VOGUE
08-2008 => Post-Lasik+cataracte NeuroLASIK – Can surgeons improve LASIK outcomes by training the visual cortex? Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today
06-2008 => Myopie Neural vision therapy improves vision of children with myopia MedicalTRIBUNE
04-2008 => Myopie Efficacy of neural vision therapy to enhance contrast sensitivity function and visual acuity in low myopia J Cataract Refract Surg